Inner Truth

Paul Terrell: Dealing With Your Parents



Paul Terrell is a British psychotherapist, teacher, and founder of Inversion Therapy a new form of Holistic Yoga Therapy. Paul offers a three session psychotherapy reprogramming called The Process of Empowerment which goes deep into childhood patterns to heal and transform them through initiation into adulthood. Describing the Process: Most of the family and cultural conditioning we receive in childhood is healthy for us. Some is not, and strongly binds us to repeating loops of dysfunctional behaviour which negatively affect our experience of relationships, career, money, manifestation and love. They also cause disease, depression and neuroses. Paul has discovered all the base line limiting programs found in three classes: contracts, weapons & traumas. He has developed a method to uncover these programs with a short enquiry, & then to override them with more powerful programs. In this episode we talk about my own experience going through the process and how it can help anyone struggling with limiting