Inner Truth

Nancy Colier: Coming Off Android Cocaine (How & Why To Lower Your Phone Usage)



Did you know the average person looks at their phone 150 times a day? That's once every 6 minutes (yes, you're probably the same...). If you did anything more frequently than that apart from breathing and blinking you would probably be classified a certified addict. So how have these little black mirrors become android cocaine? The answer lies at the cross-road between the fundamental human need for communion, and tech's 21st century trojan horse of connection. Somewhere between Hinge, Insta and Candy Crush our monkey brains got duped. Throw in dopamine buttons, virtue signals, and free stash for influencers, and you've also got a formula for ego-provocation like nothing before. This week's convo talks all about about what your relationship with your phone says about you as a person, how to become conscious of your usage and how to use your phone in a way that reflects your values.  I spoke about my compulsive need to check the time all the time (wtf is that all about?) and how making my phone boring still ha