Inner Truth

David Newell + Special Guest: The Wild, Life-Changing Adventure of Vision Quest



Last month as part of my semi-annual tradition of launching myself into a self-discovery escapade of some kind, I set off to the Basque Country for a 12-day Vision Quest in the Spanish mountains. Vision Quest is an old shamanic rite of passage that typically takes the subject off into the wilderness for a week with no food, no company, and no distractions. Once there, participants are encouraged to still their minds, become one with nature, and gain access to their wisdom mind for guidance on their true direction and purpose in life. The experience is usually capped with a final initiation through a series of plant medicine ceremonies to learn from the plants and integrate insights from the mountain. It was probably one of the best self-discovery I’ve ever been through. The combination of solitude, nature, fasting, shamanic teachings and plant ceremonies was a powerful formula for finding my centre, uncovering powerful personal insights, and opening up some exciting avenues ahead. In this week’s convo I’m joi