Inner Truth

Jiro Taylor: Finding Flow State And The Courage To Trust It - 018



How can we learn to master our minds? For thousands of years those deep into the Eastern wisdom traditions have espoused meditation and altered states of consciousness as the path to finding our deepest wisdom and the clearest path in life. Now - in the 21st century - a new wave of consciousness-trailblazers are bringing these ancient practices into a contemporary light with the flow state movement. This movement is concerned with helping people access flow state in their day to day to achieve peak performance in their work and personal lives. Flow state is a state of consciousness perhaps best characterised as one of no-mind, a place of no-thought and self forgetting, similar to that you might experience in surfing or snowboarding. The rational, logical mind is suspended and a deeper knowing takes over to guide you to peak performance. This transcendent state is being studied with increasing ferocity by the likes of Stephen Kotler, the author of the groundbreaking book Stealing Fire, who has found it to be a