Inner Truth

Jan Engels-Smith: Shamanism As An Everyday Way Of Life - 009



Jan Engels-Smith is shamanic practitioner and the founder of the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine where she teaches students shamanism and journeying techniques Central to Jan’s work is the philosophy that shamanism is not the preserve of a gifted few seers or just for indigenous cultures to practice but that we all have the capacity to cultivate a shamanic skillset through journeying and practices that help move us from left brain focus into right-brain experience.  In her book, Through the Rabbit Hole, Jan talks about dominance of left-brained thinking in our culture and in particular the limiting belief that all we see is all there is. This belief keeps our imagination and our other subtler senses locked away from the wider world around us. I caught up with Jan to talk about the ways we can move out of the box, cultivate a relationship with spirits and use journeying to find greater fulfilment and peace in life.