Boosters And Spacetape

BST Ep32 - Mountains of Salt and Soundwaves in Space



Digi returns back to the show with his bad jokes for a full-house lineup. We quickly breeze over our recent KSP adventures to get to the discussion over Squad revealing their 'Big Announcement'. Despite sugar coatings from Aki and perspective changes from the Panda, beware for much cynicism and salt in this episode... After wishing Yuri Gagarin a happy birthday we revisit TRAPPIST-1 to dampen the spirits for many in our real-space segment. The NASA budget proposals cause mixed emotions for both existing and future missions and then Digi re-designs the laws of physics in response to the Panda's discussion on Fast Radio Bursts. We also have a big announcement for the podcast that we would very much appreciate your feedback on. Contact or @BSpacetape if you would like to influence our decision on some upcoming changes. 0:03:27 - Mission Control 0:13:49 - R&D 0:35:49 - Mods 0:38:17 - Listeners Mail 0:41:45 - Real Space 1:17:15 - Important Show Announcement 1:23:14 - Outros