Life On Safari Podcast

Ep. 5 - Ian Michler on Canned Hunting and Making "Blood Lions", Part 2



This is the second part of a conversation with Ian Michler. We talk about predator breeding, canned breeding, and the making of the movie, “Blood Lions”. Ian takes us behind the scenes of the making of the film. He shares some of the very hairy moments during the making of the movie. He also talks about the experience of Rick Swayze, the American hunter who features in the movie. If you’ve see the film you’ll know that Rick and the film crew go under cover on a lion hunting farm in South Africa. They are behind locked gates and very high fences with some extremely angry human beings, plenty of guns and ammunition, and lots of lions, when it all starts going very awry. Meanwhile, Ian and producer Pippa Hankinson are just outside the farm waiting for news. It’s a story that will definitely get the pulse racing. We then finish up by talking about how Blood Lions is changing the landscape of canned hunting and what might happen to all the lions that are currently in captivity if canned hunting is banned.