Life On Safari Podcast

Episode 1 - Map Ives, National Rhino Coordinator of Botswana



Map Ives is one of Africa's legendary safari characters. He is also the man in the hot seat when it comes to rhino conservation in Botswana. Throughout Africa rhinos are being shot and killed at an average of 3.5 a day, so the situation is beyond serious. Botswana's role in global rhino conservation is growing by the day. Black and white rhinos from throughout southern Africa are being relocated to Botswana, effectively for safe keeping. Botswana also has the largest elephant population on the planet, so it seems inevitable that the criminal poaching syndicates will soon focus their attention on Botswana. How will this small country cope? In the interview Map paints a very stark, real picture. He talks in detail about the structure and nature of the poaching syndicates, but also the co-ordinated multi-national approach in place which is working hard to protect the rhinos. He explains why Botswana  is viewed as a safe haven, but why the country will need much greater international assistance in the coming year