Phil Hulett And Friends

Obliterated - The Montecito Mudslides



Hear veteran Santa Barbara TV News Reporter, John Palminteri (at 19:47) describe the aftermath of the Montecito, CA mudslides. He used the word, "obliterated" to describe the scene. Will people rebuild? Is it even possible to rebuild? Everyone in the area it seems, including Palminteri, knows somebody who died or is among the dozens still missing three days after the hillsides made a rush for the ocean, and took everything in their path with them. Of course there is more to the show, so we continue. (40:06) Manny the Movie Guy joins us the morning after the Critic's Choice Awards. He reveals his plush animal preference while reviewing "The Post," Paddington 2" and "The Commuter." Co-hosting with Phil Hulett today are Emily Harlan and Vic St. John "The Crash Man." The send up these stories for your consideration: Women in Saudi Arabia take a big step forward in equality. Mark Wahlberg made HOW MUCH more money than Michelle Williams re-shooting scene for "All the Money in the World?" Comic Book overlord, Stan L