Phil Hulett And Friends

Simplify Your Life - 333 Ways to Do More With Less



Today we learn how to pare down all of our junk that's we've accumulated over time and simplify our lives with minimalist author and blogger, Courtney Carver. Carver wrote the book, Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More. Is this a hike through a meadow with a back-packed, man-bunned millennial? Fast forward to 33:39 to find out. Earlier in this episode, Phil Hulett and Gonzo Greg Spillane speak with Travel Dude, Gary Warner about travel during the bombogenesis storm. Don't miss his tips on how to avoid a cancellation and what to do if your flight is cancelled. Then we have these stories: Gonzo's least favorite new TV game show "Child Support." Play along with the 15 things that instantly cause inner rage. Game of Thrones final season is pushed. You know, there's a chance China's space station won't vaporize on re-entry when it falls from space in March...that thing is probably made of lead. Uh, China came under fire for making a lot of stuff with lead in it. Get it? No? How about t