Phil Hulett And Friends

Quackery and Hidden Wonders



Dr. Lydia Kang is the co-author of "Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything." You will be amazed to hear just some of the "remedies" we now know are either worthless or dangerous. Plus, the medical reason (read: excuse) for the invention of the vibrator! Next, another co-author and another book. This one is called "Atlas Obscura: An Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders." Dylan Thuras gives us a glimpse into this book filled with stuff you've never heard of, including tree lobsters! Plus, Phil and the friends, Sylar Cuarisma and Mike Walters bring you these stories: The 11 people KFC follows on Twitter. The Piano Man increases his progeny giving hope to old guys everywhere. Radio host asks for a pay cut. Elderly husband takes a walk to look for a suitable kidney for his wife. Crocodile Hunter's family amps up the TV show tradition he established. Order a home via Amazon. Order a burrito delivered by Google drone. Facial recognition works on your pets. Most sicks days you aren't