Phil Hulett And Friends

Obamacare Blockers, Duct Tape and Sugar Babies



Are doctors about to blow the lid off of Obamacare? Listen to the President of Private Practice Doctors explain why 70% of doctors are going to stop accepting health insurance. Plus, Jay has had enough with mega-calorie foods. Wait until you hear what he pledges to do. Were Silicon Valley snipers just rehearsing for a bigger job when they took out a power grid? Richela Fabian Morgan talks about making jewelry, handbags and more out of duct tape. Chris has to pay up on his Super Bowl bets with Phil and Jennifer. And here’s one way to pay for college, and an apartment, and a car and a whole lot more…1 Million college students worldwide have signed up with and we have one of the more confident, and pragmatic of them in the studio talking about the money she got, and how she got it.