Phil Hulett And Friends

Bugs, Bribes and Naked Housekeeping



This week the show went decidedly gross. First we talked about the state of human nature and dating with the creator of the new app called Carrot Dating which allows you to offer a bribe to a prospective date. Then we spoke to “The Bug Man” and learned all about termites, ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, mice and rats. The crew learned about a new line of underwear that completely filters the smell of flatulence.  Dr. Kurtz joined the show to go into graphic detail about cold sores, herpes 1, herpes 2 and what you need to know about contact with others AND your children. Jay came clean about a relationship he is cultivating via text, he also started what might turn into a tradition as an enormous cruise ship floated past our dock-side studio. Karlo displayed a knack for puns. And we learned something “special” about Jennifer that left the boys in stunned silence.