Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Etiquette, Manners and Respect with Amy Rainer (Ep 78)



Amy grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and spent “the best four years of her life” on the plains as an Auburn Tiger. She has spent time in the classroom teaching kindergarten, second grade and third grade. In addition to her classroom teaching career, she has also taught etiquette classes for both boys and girls. After 20 years in the classroom and 19 years teaching etiquette classes, Amy says, “I love teaching children some of the basic rules of etiquette, but I know that helping them develop their inside character is what matters most. I want to join with parents in helping children understand that while it is important to know how to act in social situations, nothing can replace kindness, compassion and gentleness.” She began working on developing a curriculum that integrated etiquette AND the character qualities found in Colossians 3:12. Her hope is that each lesson will help children and teens learn the basics of proper etiquette while also helping them incorporate these qualities in their lives (and she finds