Women In The Business Arena

Myth #9: More Marketing is the Key to More Sales



If you just get your marketing right, you are guaranteed to grow your business & your bank account, right? Wrong! So many business owners are obsessed with more marketing, and they bypass the easy steps to sales that have been there all along.  Generating content, chasing after more leads, constantly fixing your brand...does NOT bring more sales. Learning to do sales, brings more sales. Got it!  In this episode, we are going to help you understand the difference between marketing and sales. We also dive into why marketing is a tempting time-sink, and how you can reframe your understanding to focus on what will work better for your bottom line. I have my co-host Laura on with me this week, and as always we are tackling the internal and external challenges of running a business. Join us as we discuss:  How much time we spend trying to slowly warm up cold leads through marketing, instead of tapping into our warm (and even hot) leads crying out for our help right now.  The importance of sa