Women In The Business Arena

Myth #5: You are Just Not Working Hard Enough



Consciously or not, too many of us are convinced that our success, and our value to the world, is directly tied to how busy we are. But that can’t be further from the truth.  You are inherently valuable. You are worthy of basic human needs like lunch breaks and a normal amount of sleep. Constantly sacrificing yourself for the sake of “hard work” is just not sustainable. So let’s change that.  Laura is back to talk about how this pernicious myth drives women to wear their burnout as a badge of honor, and feel lazy if they dare to rest.  When we dare to believe we are worthy of rest, we allow ourselves to:  > Recharge as needed  > Enjoy our social lives  > Engage with our home lives  > Work smarter with a fully rested brain For some of us, this is a hard concept to put into practice, it goes against everything we were taught about working! We were taught that pulling all-nighters, skipping meals, and ignoring our loved ones meant that we were working hard. It was s