Women In The Business Arena

Myth #2: You Should Always Be Focused on Business Growth



One of the greatest myths in business is that we should always be running after more money, more clients, more followers, and more validation. We believe that everything we do should be about growth, growth, growth! This myth not only leaves you exhausted, but is actually detrimental to your business growth.   In this episode, I brought on three amazing guests: Cass Ghiorse, Carolyn McCall, and Merrilee McCoy to debunk this myth and discuss how important it is to give yourself permission to breathe. More about our guests: Cass Ghiorse is a body integration teacher, breathwork facilitator and the founder of MIDLINE: a methodology that supports people in understanding and connecting to their core Self in essence and expression.   Carolyn McCall is a non-profit consultant and community program designer. She collaborates with women to gently magnify the value and impact in their programs to create more positive change in the world.  Merrilee McCoy is a creative, learning designer and storytel