Women In The Business Arena

Myth #1: Business Success (or Failure) is Connected to Your Worth



In this season, I will be busting business myths. The very first woman who is perfect to help me myth-bust in this season's first episode: Laura Shook Guzman! Together, we break down the myth that “Business Success (or Failure) is Connected to Our Worth.” Even if we don’t consciously say it, or it doesn’t come out in that way, we women may subconsciously believe that our worth is correlated with how well (or unwell) we are doing in our business.   For those who don’t know, Laura Shook Guzman, LMFT, is the CEO/Founder ofhttps://www.consciousambition.com/ ( Conscious Ambition), is a thought leader for entrepreneurial mental health, co-working and self-care. Laura is on a mission, connecting with people all over the world, from entrepreneurs to corporate professionals, sharing a powerful message about the value of founder mental health, collaborative work and embodied living. As an accomplished psychotherapist, trauma specialist, and devoted community leader, Laura brings enormous expertise,