Women In The Business Arena

Embrace Your Natural Cycles for More Success & Freedom



I am a big believer in following your natural rhythm in both life and business. I know that I have very distinct periods of activity and output versus periods of rest and contemplation. When I fully embrace this push and pull, I am more likely to feel grounded and work in my genius. When I get pulled out of this rhythm, it is a lot harder for me to get anything done or feel good while doing it.  That’s what Laura and I are digging into this week as we discuss our own natural cycles and how we honor them. We also talk about how today’s business environment (and the world) tries to get us to be constantly “on” and how we can resist this pressure. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-w