Women In The Business Arena

Hire the Team that Will Take YOU to the Next Level



I have made huge strides in the way I think about hiring. I am connecting with the people I really need in my business and getting things off my plate that I don’t want to do - and I am doing it all in a way that feels great.  I didn’t used to feel this way about hiring at all. I thought building a team would be exhausting and time consuming, and I was worried about giving up control over every little aspect of my business. But as I have grown and dreamed up bigger dreams for my business, I have realized that business is ultimately not designed to be done alone. If I want to have the impact I know I am capable of having, I need help. In this episode Laura and I are talking all about hiring, and not just for business but for life in general. We talk about how to find the right people instead of accepting whatever opportunities or people come our way, and how to trust ourselves enough to know the difference. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contri