Women In The Business Arena

Being the True CEO of Your Business



Do you think of yourself as the CEO of your business? I know for me “CEO” used to sound too… big. Or complicated. Or stressful. It sounded like the opposite of what I wanted my business to be. But recently I have been playing with the idea that I can and should see myself as the CEO of my business, and that I get to decide what that means to me. I don’t have to follow the blueprint of CEOs we see in our lives and in the media - I can be a CEO that aligns with her own values and her own strengths and so carves her own path. Laura and I are digging into what it takes to become the CEO that you and your business really need and why we as women need to step into this kind of leadership. I talk about why I always thought that I wanted a small business and what has changed my mind lately, and Laura shares a bit about the sheer creative power we can access when we start to think of ourselves as a true CEO.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute