Women In The Business Arena

How to Come Up for Air and Avoid Burnout in Stressful Times



Usually our lives are made up of patterns that ebb and flow. As a business owner, things in your business may rise and fall by the month or the quarter. But this year has thrown all of our regular cycles and routines up into the air and sent us scrambling to make new ones. All that scrambling has meant many of us have been “on” for months now, and that we haven’t come up for air or taken the breaks we normally would. Whether you have been feeling stuck and stagnant or you have been running nonstop, it is time to do the opposite. This episode is all about disrupting whatever routine you have developed lately and checking in with what you really need. Laura and I talk about burnout, staycations, and why each of us needs to come up for air right now. We chat about reconnecting with our bigger visions and why this is the fuel we need to keep moving forward and build a new future for us all. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps:/