Women In The Business Arena

Redesign Everything for Your Strengths and Forget Your Weaknesses



This year has made it clear that we need to rethink so much about our lives and communities. And I know that in a lot of ways this is scary, but I think it provides us with a huge opportunity, too.  Now is the time to dig into our deepest desires and bring them to life. Now is the time to release old patterns and make room for new ones. Now is the time to tap into our strengths without self-consciousness or fear and let go of our “weaknesses”.  In this week’s episode Laura and I are talking all about why we need to redesign absolutely everything. We’re also discussing the weight women often feel to compensate for our “weaknesses” and why we should simply focus on our strengths and ask others to help us fill in the gaps. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up deliv