Women In The Business Arena

RECLAIM 2020 - It Can Be the Year You Changed Everything



2020 has been one of the most challenging years I have ever faced, and I think this rings true for so many of us. This year has seen all kinds of upheaval and loss already. But it has also seen some much needed truths come to light, including the fact that we need to embrace a new way of doing business and that our society needs to examine its many open wounds.  I think the time has come for us to reclaim 2020. Although so many of our plans haven’t come to fruition, we can pivot and turn this year into one of the best ever. We can align ourselves with our strengths and our values. We can choose to tap into our internal power and create what we really desire.  Laura and I are talking all about how we can reclaim 2020 in this episode and where we can start. We dive into the power of choice in challenging circumstances, why we need to give our desires more space to shape our businesses, and why desire has such an infectious, positive energy. This is a really juicy topic and related to something I’m v