Women In The Business Arena

Reversing Gender Roles in Work & Family with special guest Ed Stattmann



I think it is safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much in our society, from the individual and family realm all the way up to the global level. One of the things that has really shifted is the distribution of work and childcare within families. I have heard from quite a few women that they feel this is their time to step up. They want to take a bigger role in generating income for their families but aren’t sure how to discuss with this their partners or handle the shift. So I thought my husband Ed and I could share a bit about our experience. In this episode I’m chatting with a special guest, my husband Ed Stattmann, about how and why we shifted the patterns of work and childcare in our family. While we were not in this situation because of a pandemic at the time, we were pushed to make this shift quicker than we might have otherwise done - and learned some valuable lessons from that transition. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to co