Women In The Business Arena

How Can We Build Actively Anti-Racist Businesses?



Over the past few weeks we have seen some of the most sustained and widespread protests against racism and police brutality that I can remember in my lifetime. It feels like there has been an awakening at many levels - societally, across industries, and for many individuals.  For many white people, this has been a real wake up call. We have had to confront our participation in the racist institutions within the US and the world, many of us for the first time. The fact that many of us have not had to confront this before now is a prime example of our privilege. And as business owners, we have a particular platform and obligation to do this work, both internally and within our businesses. In this episode, Laura and I are talking about why white business owners like ourselves need to commit to the internal work of understanding our privileges & biases if we want to truly support the movement for justice and anti-racism. We dive into why we need to check our intentions regularly and make sure we aren’t