Women In The Business Arena

Learn to Tap Into - and Trust - Your Intuition



Intuition can be a somewhat tricky topic to talk about in the world of business. The idea of understanding and listening to your inner voice doesn’t exactly gel with our culture’s super data-driven approach to work. Intuition has been written off as a tool for understanding ourselves, our motivations and our decisions, and women have often borne the brunt of this devaluing. Although we are taught to look to the external world for validation about what is right and true, intuition persists. It is the little voice in your head (or maybe your heart or your gut) that warns you sometimes, encourages you in others, and keeps you moving forward in hard times.  Laura and I wanted to do a deep dive into intuition this week because so many of us want to learn to trust ourselves again. We talk about some of the trauma that you may have around intuition if you struggle to trust your gut, and we offer some practical tips and suggestions for strengthening your connection with your inner voice. We also talk about s