Women In The Business Arena

Interrupted Patterns are an Opportunity for Realignment



Things have been pretty shaken up for everyone lately. Laura and I have been thinking a lot about how patterns at every level have been interrupted recently - at the individual level, the family level, the communal level, and the global level.  All the upheaval has definitely been unsettling, but it also presents us with a big opportunity. While we are temporarily free from our usual daily loops, we have a chance to reflect on our “normal” routines and whether they have been serving us.  In today’s episode Laura and I are digging into the ways the coronavirus has interrupted our usual patterns and forced us to reflect on them. We talk about what happens when we reconsider our habits, why most people don’t question the things they do on a daily basis, and how we can use this time to explore creating a life that is more aligned with our own unique, natural rhythms.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.son