Women In The Business Arena

How to Integrate Our Collective Grief



I don’t know about you, but there have been a lot of big emotions in our household lately. And not just our household, but our community, our country, our world as a whole. One of the biggest and scariest of those emotions, for many of us, is grief.  We are never really taught how to grieve or how to make room for grief in our lives. But right now we are all grieving something: the loss of our routine and security, the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one. And this grief doesn’t pick and choose who it affects; we are all feeling it, from the children to the elders. We are all in this boat together. Laura and I wanted to talk about the topic of grief today, specifically the collective grief we’re all experiencing currently. So in this episode we are talking a bit about how we are processing feelings of loss and sorrow in ourselves and our families and some of our experiences moving through grief in the past.  We also talk about some of the ways we try to distract ourselves from grief in our day