Women In The Business Arena

Demystifying Marketing and Sales (Part 1)



You can’t escape sales if you’re a business owner, so it’s your job to get really good converting people into clients. That has to come before your marketing, but a lot of us are getting caught up in the fun, creative aspects of marketing and pushing our sales process to the side. But that’s backwards, and today we’re going to tell you why. In this episode, Laura and I start off talking about the difference between marketing and sales so you have some clear definitions to work with. Then we talk about why we need to focus on sales and getting good at that before we worry about marketing ourselves in every channel under the sun.  We also chat about why you shouldn’t give people free advice when you’re on a sales call, why you should practice closing sales, and why being better at converting will make your marketing easier. And we walk through this process with Laura’s business as an example so you can get a clear idea of what this advice looks like in practice. (PS: We recorded this episode before eve