Women In The Business Arena

Discovering Your Voice and Your Power with Sunshine Kamaloni



When you speak, do you speak from an aligned place? Do you feel rooted in your experiences, truth, and unique perspective? I think that it is so important for every woman to develop their own voice, whether you are operating in the world of business or just in life. Uncovering your authentic voice isn’t something that can be planned out or approached strategically. You have to integrate life’s experiences and develop your own perspective over time. That is how you develop a voice that can help change the world.  In this week’s episode I’m joined by a special guest: Sunshine Kamaloni! Sunshine and I have worked together as she’s not only developed her voice but started her business. Sunshine is an advocate for a more feminine approach to social justice and equity. Her work aims to disrupt, question and shift long-held narratives about justice in order to encourage new and more embodied ways of being in the world.  Sunshine is the perfect person to talk about how you can raise your voice for the t