Women In The Business Arena

Operating Your Business in Your Feminine Power (Part 2)



When you’re going about your day and ticking things off your business to do list, do you pause to check in with your intuition? What about when you’re hiring someone to help you in your business. Are you doing it from a place of power, or because you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing and need to be told what to do? These are just a couple areas where bringing a more feminine approach to our businesses can help us feel more confident and grounded. And when we feel confident and grounded in our work, we’re going to make better decisions and create a lot more success. I hope you caught last week’s podcast episode all about bringing a more feminine lens to business. This week, Laura and I are building on that discussion and offering you some practical tips and strategies for integrating the feminine into the way you run your business every single day.  We talk about the balance of masculine and feminine energies in business and why trusting yourself is at the core of this process. We also share