Women In The Business Arena

How to Be an Activist Entrepreneur (and Why You Should Take a Stand)



When you hear the word “activism”, I bet you think of people marching in the streets, attending a protest, or knocking on doors in their neighborhoods. While these actions are definitely forms that activism can take, did you know that you can be an activist in your everyday life? How about being an activist in your business? The truth is, activism is accessible to all of us wherever we are right now. As business owners, we work hard every day to improve the lives of our clients.  In today’s episode, Laura and I are talking about activism and what it can look like for entrepreneurs. We chat about how businesses can have a positive impact on the world, how we can make entrepreneurial decisions that help other people, and why it’s important for us to use our voices for good.  Laura and I also share some of the ways we bring activism into our own businesses and give ideas for those of you who want to amplify the good you are already doing. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can fin