Women In The Business Arena

Creating Space comes BEFORE Success, Freedom or Fulfillment



There are so many elements that make up a business that is successful, sustainable, and healthy for the person running it. But Laura and I have found over the years that one of the most important, and most overlooked, ingredients is space.  Laura and I have both discovered that when we started taking more space, our lives and businesses improved drastically. Our creative ideas flowed more easily. We still had plenty of time to get everything done. And we felt calmer and more tuned in to ourselves than we ever did when we were rushing around.  We’re dedicating this episode of the podcast to space and all the wonderful things it contains. Laura and I talk about our definition of space, why it can be so hard to carve out in our super-busy world, and why creating space is a game-changer.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessare