Women In The Business Arena

Charging the New Year & Setting Aligned Goals



Happy (almost) New Year! If you haven’t done any goal setting for 2020 yet, this episode will help you make some headway and it will help you set goals that are much more aligned with who you really are.  If you can set aside some time this week to not only think up your goals but to really embody them, you’ll be setting yourself up for a strong start to the year.  When we truly embody our goals, we’re less likely to set goals that are solely driven by external factors (like money). Bringing our goals into our physical awareness means they’re probably going to resonate with the things we’re really craving: stability, freedom, space, love, belonging, etcetera.  Laura and I are digging into this wonderful idea in this week’s episode of the podcast and giving you some practical tips for embodiment too. We also talk about why we need to be really honest with ourselves about what we want and stop running away from the things we fear.  Find More Support for Women in Business: > You can