Women In The Business Arena

Gratitude for 2019 & The Year’s Top Episodes



The Women in the Business Arena community really is an amazing one. You’ve helped us create a supportive, engaged and powerful group of women (and men!) in the arena who are working to make a difference in the lives of clients, loved ones, and people around the world.  Laura and I wanted to take this episode to say thank you and to share our gratitude for all of you. We also wanted to put a spotlight on your four favorite episodes from this year, based on their number of downloads, and talk a little bit about why we think these topics resonated.  In this episode Laura and I chat about your favorite episodes of 2019, why target markets are tricky to understand, and why business success takes more than a laptop and an idea. We also discuss the role of powerful emotions in our businesses and why they can be a great way to connect with our fellow entrepreneurs.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastat