Women In The Business Arena

How You Can Lighten the Emotional Load of the Holidays (Even If You Love Them)



Laura and I thought we would tackle another timely topic on this week’s episode of the podcast, since by now the holiday season is well and truly in full swing. Even though it is supposed to be a time of celebration and togetherness, the reality isn’t always so cheery (and that is completely okay).  Oftentimes women are expected to carry the emotional weight of the holidays and make sure everything is magical, everyone is taken care of, and all the plans fall into place. This can be especially difficult if you don’t love the holidays to begin with, but even for women who love all the festivities, it can be too big a burden to handle on your own. Today Laura and I are chatting all about the emotional load of the holidays and how we can carry less of it. It is important to tune into our feelings and needs in this period, take care of ourselves, and then connect with loved ones in the ways we want to.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribu