Women In The Business Arena

Planning for the Holidays & A Flying Start to the New Year



Every year around this time, I have clients say: “I think I’m going to wind things down in November. Nobody really wants to buy anything from me in the holiday season, anyway. I might as well rest until the holidays are over and the kids go back to school.”  This is the total opposite of the attitude I want all of you service business owners out there to have. I want you to relax over the holidays, take care of yourself, and enjoy some time off - but before you do that, I want you to make a plan! In this week’s episode, Laura and I are talking about why the holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the year past and lay the groundwork for the year ahead. We chat about why you shouldn’t tap out of your business in November and expect things to pick right back up in February, and share some of our favorite tips for maintaining minimum momentum in your business. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattm