Women In The Business Arena

Reframing Self-Doubt and Normalizing the Shadow Sides of Entrepreneurship



Self-doubt is something that every single one of us contends with. We see women in our community doubting themselves, their offerings, and their value pretty regularly. Sometimes, self-doubt even makes them sabotage themselves and their businesses. There’s nothing wrong with holding space for ourselves and each other to remember that feeling self-doubt is a natural – and temporary! – part of this journey. “When we start to doubt ourselves as entrepreneurs, it’s important to remember that we were inspired to create something in the world, something that did not exist before, and it was ours to bring to everyone, to the world, to this space. So trust that you’re holding space for that – that people are going to receive the heart that you’re bringing.” – Larua Shook-Guzman In this episode, Laura and I are exploring the topic of self-doubt and asking if it can be reframed in a more positive light. We talk about why self-doubt is such a common emotion for entrepreneurs to feel – especially women – and some of