Women In The Business Arena

How to Find the Right Specialist for Your Business Support Team



A well-chosen specialist can be a huge boost for your business. A social media strategist, lead-generation guru, or top-notch website designer can be one of the most exciting hires we make as entrepreneurs.   But you have to be ready to hire a specialist – which means the foundations of your business have to be solid. “Specialists are usually hired when you’re much farther in the process – you’ve validated your business, and you know you have a solid foundation.” – Sonya Stattmann  Today, we’re wrapping up this three-part series with an episode about how (and when, and why) to hire a specialist. Laura and I chat a bit more about why your business coach and therapist should be the core members of your support team and what you should have in place before you hire a specialist.  We also talk about the importance of building up your extended support network by investing in community, especially in the early days of your business. And we discuss the benefits of coworking spaces, connecting with