Women In The Business Arena

How to Find the Right Therapist for Your Business Support Team



“Entrepreneurs have a higher probability of developing a mental illness. We often push ourselves too far and live in a chronic state of stress.” - Laura Shook-Guzman (2:55-3:29)Many entrepreneurs overlook the importance of their mental and emotional wellbeing. Working with a therapist who understands the unique needs of business owners can be the key to overcoming success hurdles.  Entrepreneurs are often the face of their business. So it can be difficult to open up about anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers by nature. But when you push too hard, mental wellbeing can suffer, and you may find yourself in a chronic state of stress.  “The entrepreneurship journey will take you to some crazy places. That's why it's so powerful to have a business coach who can help diagnose what's happening.” - Sonya Stattmann (33:33-33:44) How Can a Therapist Help You Grow Your Business? Tending to your emotional needs can have a profound impact on your health. A th