Women In The Business Arena

Stepping into the Divine, Mature Feminine & Why this Will Change Everything! (Part 3)



“You, the modern woman, have something to bring to this present time and place: the next evolution through leadership and business because that is the language of our society.” For many of us, we are here right now, in this time and place, to change the world! Today we close our three-part series on the meaning and importance of the divine, mature feminine. We have spent a few weeks talking about what the divine, mature feminine is and how it is relevant to you, but this week, we wanted to talk about how this part of ourselves can change the world.  Deciding to fully show up as a woman in the business arena will transform the world. “The proper place of the feminine is to guide. It has the wisdom.” - Sonya Stattmann (7:00 - 7:05) In today’s society, the masculine energy is highly overdeveloped and the feminine energy is sadly underdeveloped. As a result, we are missing out on huge amounts of wisdom, understanding, and care that can spark unimaginable change for the betterment of our world.&n