Women In The Business Arena

Stepping into the Divine, Mature Feminine & Why this Will Change Everything! (Part 2)



“When I am in my divine, mature feminine, I am grounded and confident with where I am right now.” The journey to embracing your superpower.Every woman is born with a superpower and a lot of women have forgotten how to access it.   It’s called the divine, mature feminine.  In our last episode, we began unpacking the reality of being a woman in a predominantly masculine world. Our greatest gifts as women have been largely ignored or diminished, especially in the business arena.  When you access the divine, mature feminine inside of you, it changes everything.  “There’s no good or bad. We all have both [energies]. But we sometimes have a default that our culture and environment rewards or punishes. As a result, we condition ourselves to fit into whatever we think is best for our survival.” - Laura Shook-Guzman (18:36- 18:53) In business, government and virtually every aspect of life, the male lens has dominated perception and design. It has shaped the way we perceive ourselv