Women In The Business Arena

Stepping into the Divine, Mature Feminine & Why This Will Change Everything! (Part 1)



“We are going to make far more change by who we are being, not by what we are doing.”  The greatest superpower you were born with.Did you know that being a woman in the business arena is actually a superpower? The feminine energy is a highly creative force with rich value. However, many women have been indoctrinated into thinking otherwise. We often go against our nature and function in a masculine way to attempt to fit into a predominantly masculine world. The result is catastrophic.  Embracing your divine, mature feminine energy will unleash your real superpowers.   “A lot of women are burning themselves out by trying to operate their business in a way that isn’t aligning with who they are.” - Sonya Stattmann (6:16 - 6:23) Most women are naturally more inclined to the feminine. When we stop attempting to operate solely in the masculine part of ourselves, we have far more success and freedom in our businesses and in our lives.  There are key differences between the masculine an