Women In The Business Arena

How Over-Owning Responsibility is Sabotaging Your Success (Part 2)



“If we're over-extending ourselves into other people's circle of power it’s exhausting to us and frustrating to them. It’s disempowering.” - Laura Shook-Guzman (31:24-31:36) Proper ownership of responsibility is a major factor in your ability to achieve success. But it’s possible to over-own and under-own those responsibilities, which can have a detrimental impact on our wellbeing and limit your success. We often over-own our responsibilities when it comes to taking care of our families and others. We over-extend ourselves. We enable others. Out of care, we give way too much. We can also under-own responsibility by not properly taking care of ourselves. We need to recognize when we’re over- or under-owning responsibility and find the balance we need to meet our needs and those of the people we love.  “The only power we have with others is to create agreements or to communicate… that’s it. We can’t make them decide, act, or feel a certain way.” - Sonya Stattmann (30:41-31:02) We often struggle t