Women In The Business Arena

How Over-Owning Responsibility is Sabotaging Your Success (Part 1)



“Women are so notorious for putting their oxygen mask on everyone around them. Family. Parents. Kids. Clients. Once everyone is good, THEN we’ll put our own oxygen mask on. But that is so the opposite of the way it needs to go.” Sonya Stattmann & Laura Shook-Guzman Women in the Business Arena The epidemic of saying yes way too much. Are you juggling to fit everything in the day? Staying up late to sew your kids’ costumes for the school play? Getting up early to send off business emails? Driving your emotional tank until empty, and then some more?  You… and many other women in the business arena.  The truth is, you can’t do it all. Nobody in the universe can! We have to let go of unrealistic expectations and look at how to bring more responsibility back to the care of ourselves.   “Over-owning by extending ourselves beyond capacity, giving more than we actually have to give, draining, exhausting, and overwhelming ourselves to give even more… that is self-harm.” -Sonya Stattmann