Women In The Business Arena

Why Only 12% of Women-Owned Businesses are Making Over 100k & How to Change It (Part 3)



“Stability comes in baby steps - slowing down, being more deliberate and strategic. Sometimes it just takes tiny tweaks to really shift the income you’re making.”Sonya Stattmann & Laura Shook-GuzmanWomen in the Business Arena The logistics behind creating more revenue in your business. You are aware of some of the challenges you face in the arena! So what can you do about it? In the last two weeks, we have discussed both the external and internal challenges that hold women back from reaching financial stability. Now it’s time to implement the logistics that will empower you to move towards success! “Real change begins with us. We do have so much power to change our experiences and to tweak things that will allow us to have more profit, revenue, and time to invest in our business.” - Sonya Stattmann (3:31 - 3:52) It may feel like there is a lot holding you back from financial stability. But you can initiate change!  Here are some steps to shift your financial future and step into a place o