Women In The Business Arena

Why Only 12% of Women-Owned Businesses are Making Over 100k & How to Change It (Part 1)



“The world is designed for a man and we need to change it. We need to shift it. We need to redesign it.” - Sonya Stattmann (34:22-34:29) Only 12% of women-owned businesses are making more than $100,000 in revenue per year. That’s total revenue. It doesn’t take into account business expenses such as taxes, labor, and overhead costs. And when businesses have low profit margins the money taken home is so much less. Many entrepreneurs paint a picture of how easy it is to make millions of dollars starting your own business. But that’s not reality. When 88% of women-owned businesses are earning less than $100,000 a year, we have to step back and look at what’s really happening. “It really starts with us changing ourselves and how we operate, committing to something, using our voice, and being an example to others.” - Sonya Stattmann (21:17-21:30) There are systemic issues keeping women-owned businesses from thriving. It’s easy to compare ourselves to others. Women often see themselves as failures when they don