Women In The Business Arena

Allowing Your Business to Evolve with Your Personal Development



“If you‘re running a business, it’s going to shift and change. You’re going to shift and change. Let it change, and evolve, and grow with you.” - Sonya Stattmann (16:29-16:48) Every business evolves over time. But how can entrepreneurs change and pivot their brands in ways that reflect their own personal growth? Business owners often worry that changing their business will compromise their integrity. But if you want to succeed in the long run, you have to give yourself permission to evolve your business in ways that align with who you are at any moment. This can be especially difficult for lifestyle brands built around a person’s identity or single focus. When these entrepreneurs face the possibility of rebranding, it can feel like an identity crisis. But changing your brand’s message lets you take things in a new direction. We just need to be careful when deciding exactly how we want to show up. “There are millions of people who don’t know who you are and don’t care what you did a month ago. They only care