Women In The Business Arena

How to Handle Broken Agreements in Business



“There’s a middle ground where you can be clear and upfront with your agreements, and still come from a place of caring.” - Sonya Stattmann (15:42-15:52) As business owners, we have to make a lot of agreements. We make agreements with our clients, with other service providers, with our spouses and our families. The problem is that many people, especially women, struggle to set boundaries and make clear agreements that support them to succeed. Women tend to over-own their responsibility, give in too much and let broken agreements slide. But what happens when promises are broken in our business relationships? Or how about when the agreements we have made no longer serve us? How do we honor our integrity and handle these tricky situations? There are things that happen beyond your control. This is why one of the ways to handle broken agreements is to prepare for them before there is an agreement in the first place. This way you can take steps to protect yourself and your business when someone you've made an agree